U bood nuxurka U gudub cagta

Nagu saabsan

Soo dhawoow

Nagu saabsan

The Family, Adolescent and Child Community Engagement Service (FACCES) is a 501(c)3 non-profit specializing in family engagement by taking a holistic approach. The FACCES Way is well-being leads to well-doing for our children, families and community. We meet people where they are to inspire a shift in perspective, practices, and possibility. Our five program pillars are Food, Education, Mental Wellness, Physical Wellness and Legacy Development.

Noqo Xubin Qoys oo Wajiyaal ah

Himiladayada & Hiigsigayaga

Our mission is to place unique and pointed emphasis on each member of the community with a priority of being child centered.  We strive to be a hub for families to connect with resources that support them in leading healthy lives.

Our vision is to meet families where they are, providing equitable and dignified support that inspires a shift in perspective, practices, and possibilities. We invest in programming to nurture children and adolescents, fostering excitement about learning and life – this is the FACCES Way!

FACCES Board and Staff

Meet our Board and Staff

Meet the Board and Staff of FACCES.

Our Impact

Barnaamijyadayada waxaa ku jira waxqabadyo loogu talagalay xubin kasta oo ka tirsan unugga qoyska min kan ugu yar ilaa xubnaha ugu weyn.

FACCES 2022-23 Warbixinta Saamaynta

FACCES 2021-22 Warbixinta Saamaynta


Kala duwanaanshaha iyo ka mid noqoshada sinnaanta

FACCES waxay aqoonsan tahay in qoysasku ka yimaadeen dhaqamo, asal, iyo isir kala duwan. FACCES waxay taageertaa siyaasada ka mid noqoshada kala duwanaanta iyo sinnaanta si loo ixtiraamo, loo qiimeeyo loona xuso sifooyinka gaarka ah, sifooyinka iyo aragtiyaha ka dhigaya qof kasta inuu yahay. Waxaan sidoo kale aaminsannahay in isu keenida shaqsiyaadka kala duwan ay noo ogolaato inaan si wadajir ah oo waxtar leh u wajahno arrimaha soo wajaha bulshooyinkeena.

Kafiil-qaatayaasha iyo Wada-hawlgalayaasha