U bood nuxurka U gudub cagta

FACCES waxaa xoojiya taageereyaal: deeqaha, iskaashiga, dadaallada iskaa wax u qabso iyo kafaalaqaadyada ayaa runtii la mahadiyay. Ururadu waxay dib u dhigaan barnaamijyada iyo dhacdooyinka gudaha FACCES kuwaas oo la socda ujeedooyinka guud si loo abuuro isbeddel dhaqaale iyo dhaqameed ee bulshada dhexdeeda.

Ku biir wejiyada FACCES

FACCES Family RegistrationVolunteer, become a sponsor or donate to FACCES today!

Abriil 2024 Faces of FACCES: Izaiah Lear

This month we are highlighting Izaiah Lear.  He participated in our APPS program last summer. APPS (Applying Purpose and Passion to Service) is a City of Columbus job readiness program where participants gain real-world, paid work experience.  Izaiah, who will be 17 this year noted on his pre-survey that his primary motivation for applying for APPS was to have his own source of income.  When asked what skills or abilities he hoped to gain, he replied “the ability to learn, work, and be happy.”  In addition to working across programs at FACCES, he participated in a daily seminar around the Ohio Means Jobs Readiness criteria.  Izaiah was reliable, punctual, and had a strong work ethic.  Over the summer, he showed growth in multiple areas including collaboration and teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving. Once you got to know him you realized he is a creative thinker with a penchant for

Akhri wax dheeraad ah "

Maarso 2024 Faces of FACCES: Anthony & Denice Davis

FACCES would like to highlight Anthony and Denise Davis as our Maarso faces of FACCES. They have been actively involved since the beginning. Together they regularly attend our Urban Gardener’s Gatherings, where they not only participate but also contribute insights on gardening to the community. The couple have donated their time, talent, and treasures, making a significant impact on our program and our mission. Their friendliness and warm demeanor make them a joy to work with and easy to talk to. Their consistent engagement and enthusiasm are contagious.  We are incredibly grateful to Anthony and Denise Davis for their continued support of FACCES. We look forward to many more years with them. Thank you, Anthony and Denise, for being such valuable members of the FACCES family!

Akhri wax dheeraad ah "

Ku biir wejiyada FACCES 

Tabaruc , noqo kafaala qaad ama ku deeq FACCES maanta!