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FACCES Life Ready Ohio Recap

The Life Ready Ohio Reflection event was hosted on Julaay 28th, 2023. This event featured teens who participated in both the FACCES Summer program and worked here at FACCES through the APPS job program. Our amazing youth participated in a panel discussion to talk about their accomplishments this summer. This event spotlighted all the remarkable things the teens were involved in with the community. During the reflection event, the teens shared what their daily tasks and responsibilities were, what they enjoyed most about their experience at FACCES, and what their goals and dreams are in the future with their careers.

Our teens participated in a daily seminar where they learned about the criteria on the Student Ohio Means Jobs-Readiness Seal Rubric while putting their newly gained knowledge into practice in real work, in real time.   

In fact, one of the teen participants decided they would like to work in the field of early care and education as a result of her experience this summer. The teen was connected to our sister organization, The Starting Point Learning Center once the summer program concluded.  They are now going through the new hire onboarding process. Regardless of career path, we have confidence this group of teens are well on their way to work and life success.   

All the teens commented on how much they gained because of participating in the FACCES Fresh Market from working as a team to giving back to the community.  They also commented that working with the children taught them an appreciation for how different they are and how they need different things from people. 

Here are what the teens shared regarding their greatest learning from this summer: 

“I had the ability to do a lot of different jobs that I may not have tried or wanted to do before this experience;” Malachi 

“I struggle with being on time, so this helped me take responsibility and be accountable; especially since it’s the policy to call Ms. Melissa if you are going to be late.” Aleigha 

“I communicate better, I learned to listen more and take corrections and feedback.  I hope others get to have the opportunity I had this summer.  I have excitement for that.”  Izaiah 

“I have a better understanding that when there is a conflict that everyone has their own opinion and it’s important to work through it more than being right.”  Karter” 

“I found my voice; I am like a butterfly this experience opened my wings and new doors for me.” Kanayah 

“The most valuable skill I have is learning agility.  I’m curious and ask lots of questions.  I put myself out there to find better and easier ways to do things.”  Issac 

“I grew the most in leadership and being a good role model with the preschoolers.  I worked with them on their letters and numbers and read to them.” Kennedy 

Stay tuned for future Life Ready programs and events.