U bood nuxurka U gudub cagta

FACCES waxaa xoojiya taageereyaal: deeqaha, iskaashiga, dadaallada iskaa wax u qabso iyo kafaalaqaadyada ayaa runtii la mahadiyay. Ururadu waxay dib u dhigaan barnaamijyada iyo dhacdooyinka gudaha FACCES kuwaas oo la socda ujeedooyinka guud si loo abuuro isbeddel dhaqaale iyo dhaqameed ee bulshada dhexdeeda.

Ku biir wejiyada FACCES

FACCES Family RegistrationVolunteer, become a sponsor or donate to FACCES today!

Maarso 2024 Faces of FACCES: Anthony & Denice Davis

FACCES would like to highlight Anthony and Denise Davis as our Maarso faces of FACCES. They have been actively involved since the beginning. Together they regularly attend our Urban Gardener’s Gatherings, where they not only participate but also contribute insights on gardening to the community. The couple have donated their time, talent, and treasures, making a significant impact on our program and our mission. Their friendliness and warm demeanor make them a joy to work with and easy to talk to. Their consistent engagement and enthusiasm are contagious.  We are incredibly grateful to Anthony and Denise Davis for their continued support of FACCES. We look forward to many more years with them. Thank you, Anthony and Denise, for being such valuable members of the FACCES family!

Akhri wax dheeraad ah "

Faces of FACCES Febraayo 2024: Central State

We are thrilled to shine the spotlight on Central State University as our Faces of FACCES. Their support and commitment to community enrichment have contributed to our program’s success.  Central State has been a valuable partner, actively participating in our Urban Garden initiatives and dedicating their expertise to educating our community on sustainable gardening practices. During our Urban Gardener’s Gatherings, their knowledgeable instructors have conducted classes, sharing insights on planting, cultivation, and helping the community better utilize the environment around them.  A standout contribution from Central State has been the implementation of the 4-H program, providing our youth with valuable lessons on hydroponic tower gardening. This knowledge empowers young individuals to engage in the process of growing their crops and preparing meals from the produce they harvest from the hydroponic tower—all within the comfort of indoor spaces. This demonstrates that one does not necessarily need a traditional garden or extensive

Akhri wax dheeraad ah "

Faces of FACCES Janaayo 2024: LaVesea Clardy

We would like to acknowledge and highlight Lavesea Clardy as the Janaayo 2024 Faces of FACCES. Her commitment to understanding and listening to the community makes her impact that much more personal. Lavesea is a Licensed Professional Counselor & Life Coach offering services to mothers on budgeting and increasing their independent living skills.  “I really want to highlight to parents the importance of mental health and how it doesn’t just impact them, but their children as well.”  During the Virtual Family Gathering December 6th, 2023, Lavesea spoke on Mental Wellness during the holiday season. Families were able to give feedback and enjoy the interactive experience. She now has a focus on completing the supervision of her license and expanding her clinical pallet to better understand the community. Lavesea has also taken an active role in supporting the FACCES Mental Wellness pillar coming soon!  We at FACCES want to say thank

Akhri wax dheeraad ah "

Ku biir wejiyada FACCES 

Tabaruc , noqo kafaala qaad ama ku deeq FACCES maanta!