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June 2024 Faces of FACCES: Rebecca West

We are spotlighting the family of Rebecca Debreaux-West and Malcolm West this month in our Faces of FACCES. 

Rebecca and Malcolm have three children, Honesti (1), Taylor (soon to be 9), and Esaias, who is 15. Rebecca moved to Columbus from Pittsburgh to attend DeVry University and decided to stay upon graduation. Today, Rebecca works in supporting the research of clinical trials, inspiring hope for so many. 

Their daughter, Taylor, will attend our FACCES summer program, which is a big change for her as she typically spends the summer with her grandmother. It’s hard to compete with grandma, yet we have a great summer planned here at FACCES. 

Rebecca also utilizes FACCES K Ready Ohio to support Honesti’s development. She shared how the results of the ASQ are helping her support Honesti’s social and emotional development. By all accounts, Honesti is a jokester, and being funny brings joy to all those around her. She especially likes to be funny, hanging upside down on the bed as mom tries to change her. When work permits, Rebecca attends our virtual family gatherings and is looking forward to our in-person event in June. 

When asked about her hopes and dreams for their children, Rebecca stated that while she doesn’t know what is in store for them, she hopes they excel in their careers, giving back to others to share peace and joy! 

Thank you, Rebecca, Malcolm, Honesti, Taylor, and Esaias, for being our Faces of FACCES.